First Segment – 22 Jul 17

rockstarFirst Segment


Dr. Truth: It is July 22, 2017 or 2017, as you like it. Folks 855-711-8255. In this hour we will entertain phone calls, 855-711-8255. One of our favorite guests that any show could have, so that’s why it’s one of our favorite guests, right? She is a best selling author of An American in the Basement. She is an Investigative Journalist and a former Navy Intelligence Officer. She has so much courage. Amy, Amy Waters Yarsinke, how are you?


Amy: I’m good, good.


Dr. Truth: Amy, tonight you are on with my resident contributor AA, Amendment Avenger and in studio with us Benjamin Knight.


AA: Great to have you back Amy. Good talking again.

Amy: Oh, thanks. Thanks for having me.


Benjamin: Appreciate your time.


Dr. Truth: Amy, as you’re well aware, 2 weeks ago you and I had a long conversation after we had Charles Strange on.


Amy: Yes.


Dr. Truth: And his wife Mary-Ann. You and I had a long, long conversation. I had to call you. I had to tell you about the interview that I had with Charles and Mary-Ann, that we had on the show.


Amy: Right.


Dr. Truth: And you and I just kept talking. In this first half hour of the second hour, we’re going to hit some bombshells and we’ll continue with that in the next half hour of the second hour with you.


Amy: Right.


Dr. Truth: Let me qualify this with you. And I don’t want to put words in your mouth. But the official story of the Bin Laden raid.


Amy: Right.


Dr. Truth: Bogus or true?


Amy: The story, at least is how I would couch this, is that it was, I think that the Seals who were on the raid, those who were killed in the Extortion 17, in particular, have a story to tell. And that story is not the narrative that the Obama administration wanted told at the time. And the Bin Laden raid itself is as the couch it. Bin Laden himself was, given my experience with this and the narratives that I knew about prior to any of this taking place, was that he had died in ’01, late in ’01 and had been gone quite a while. But if you told that story as accurately as it should be told to the public, you would have destroyed the narrative used to fuel what came after for, what’s now 16 years of engagement in the Middle East and Afghanistan, Pakistan, that sort of thing.


Dr. Truth: And let’s qualify this. Extortion 17, a course after the Bin Laden raid.


Amy: Right.


Dr. Truth: The so-called Bin Laden raid. Extortion 17, 22 members of Seal team 6. Many of them who participated in the so-called Bin Laden raid are on Extortion 17 and they’re murdered or they’re killed. Were they set up? Was it a murder? Or the official story is just true?


Amy: The series of events that led to that wouldn’t indicate, well, there are several problems with the story. First of all, there were 15 Navy Seals on that flight. 8 of them you could qualify as saying participated in some way in that Bin Laden, “Bin Laden raid”. Of the 15, they were all members of the Gold Squadron in the Navy Seal community within the DEVGRU. Now of that number, the 15 and then you’ve got their support tech, you’ve got their EOD, you’ve their Cryptos and that kind of thing, all on the flight with them. You’ve got a Seal working dog on this flight as well. That brings your to 22, 23 if you count the dog. And so, essentially, you’ve got those on the flight, as their parents have expressed since, the Vaughns and the Stranges, had a story to tell. And that story was not going to fit the narrative that was being hoisted  upon everybody by the Obama administration, that they had gotten Bin Laden in this raid. And essentially, the problem you have with the timeline and what occurs is, there are a series of things that General Colt cited in his investigation, which indicate, there not only were a series of mistakes, the series of things that occur that are just not appropriate for a Seal Team 6 or a DEVGRU flight. For a quick reaction force to be launched on a Chinook like that is unprecedented. You don’t do that. You don’t swap out their Afghan forces that go with them. And you don’t swap out translators. You don’t swap out any of those people on the tarmac. That just doesn’t happen. They vet all these people prior to and they work with them a little bit before they even go up and they do anything with them. So all this happens in that series of events and timeline is very specific. But in General Colt’s report, he says, “It’s unprecedented that this happened”.  They typically fly on, think faster helicopters, think Black Hawks, think anything much faster, sleeker, that’s their typical aircraft when they’re getting in and out of something. Anything quick. You’re not a slow reaction force. You’re a quick reaction force. Chinook is about the lowest slowest thing you can get on and it’s a big target. So that’s a problem.




And in that time frame, by the way, the aircraft were being poorly maintenanced and tethered. General Colt’s report indicates this. And they were not maintaining aircraft or supply of aircraft, so these mission profiles they were flying were too many and not enough supplied to go along with it. And it put them at risk almost every time they went and did something. But in this particular case, they were sent to an area that they were not even needed. The Rangers did not need their help. And that’s cited in the reporting. They could have done without them there. They should not have been there. But they were put there anyway. And so, that’s what’s led to many of the problems with what’s going on and what happened with them. And it’s not just all accidental. Somebody intentionally has to do those things. Those actions are taken and they are very specific actions . . .


Dr. Truth: That’s right.


Amy: With a very elite force of, a team like a DEVGRU team like that. You just don’t do that. And so those decisions were made. But the narrative had fit. And for those guys to be given up later, for whatever story they were going to tell the media is indicated by family members. Someone on the teams had to talked, to have ratted them out basically to their chain of command or to anyone who might have gotten wind that they were going to talk. They are very quiet, very very very methodical type of individuals. You just don’t have them go talk everywhere. You’re persona non grata if you do. You just don’t do that. Don’t get away with it.


Dr. Truth: Hey. Hey Amy. Hey Amy. Before you say that, because you and I know. Before you say that, I want to get the other guys in on here. Hold on to who ratted them out. You understand? Hold on just a little bit. But I want to get that in, in this first segment. Go ahead AA.


AA: Now, I can tell you that myself. I was still active duty Navy at the time that happened. And I walked into my Production office and one of my Chief’s was on his computer. And he said to me, he said, “Did you hear about the Seal team that died?”. And I look at him. And I immediately said, I said, “Let me guess. The unit that got Bin Laden”. And his eyes popped out of his head. And he said, “How did you know?”. And I immediately knew that they had to tie up loose ends. So he was fascinated with how I knew that. Why I wasn’t buying the official story. I hadn’t heard it for 3 seconds and I knew what the deal was. So what’s very interesting about that is, I’m going to ask you. Last week, there were some serious dots connected on the show by Charles Strange.


Amy: Right.


AA: And I thought it was amazing. And I just want to know if you have the consensus. Specifically dealing with who do you think it was that got killed in the raid? Was it Omar Sheikh? Because I’ve been wondering where this guy went and that would make a whole lot of sense that it was Omar Sheikh. Because of course as we know, Benazir Bhutto and Madeleine Albright and others have been saying Osama Bin Laden had been dead for so long.


Amy: Of course.


Dr. Truth: December of 2001.


Amy: December of 2001. I remember very clearly that time frame and going back to work at it. I had a partner at one point in time who had agency connections and he would always look at me sideways whenever I’d say, “Well, they’re saying this”. And he’d look at me like, “Okay. I’m not going to tell you. But I’m giving you a look”.


Dr. Truth: Right. Right.


Amy: And basically, there’s nothing like working with another spook like that. They look at you and they’re like, “Okay. But we have a narrative to cover”. And if you’d broken the narrative under the Bush administration, you would never have had the years of war fighting that went on and made billions of dollars for various people in various sectors of our economy. In a war machine basically and that’s exactly what they did. And then of course it would have not allowed Bush’s 43 to go into Iraq and go after his father’s attempted, the person who tried to commit an assassination on this father. He wanted to do that more than anything. That was his excuse. And if you’d said you’ve gotten, or Bin Laden had died. Or one, you would have resolved many issues and then you wouldn’t have had all that, continue to pass that point. Under the Obama administration, it gives him this cred on the street that he somehow done his job and gotten him. And it happened at a time when he was trying to get in office again. And it made a nice narrative for him.


Benjamin: That’s it. It was a time that was politically expedient for the Obama administration.


Amy: And it’s very interesting how it suddenly occurs like that. And then you have photographs. The body’s reportedly taken to the Vinson and dumped. They say, “Oh. it’s not”. Why would you do that? There is no reason to do that.


AA: Right. They said it was part of the Muslim tradition. But there is no Muslim tradition for burial at sea.


Amy: No. There’s not.


AA: Unless you’re killed at sea. And I had friends on the Carl Vinson as well and they told me no such thing happened.


Amy: No. And it made zero sense for that to have occurred.


Benjamin: Actually, the Muslim tradition is the opposite. They don’t bury at sea. They bury in the ground. And they a specific sort of ritual.


Amy: And they have to do it before the sunset of the next day or whatever, from the time of the death.


Benjamin: Exactly.




Amy: But Bin Laden had been a CIA asset. And he had been that way since he was running the Russians out of Afghanistan for us and we were on board with that. We were arming him at the time. And they had not connected all the dots exactly back. In December of ’01, after September 11, they were working out all the dots to get it back to where it would have been with him. So they would not have really given much mind to the fact that he dies.


Dr. Truth: Amy. Let me say this real quick. We’ve got time before this break and everything because I still want to you to give up the goods for this first half hour of this second hour on who ratted out Seal Team 6. But what you just said right there, think about this Amy. The show gets bigger. More and more new people are listening. And I’m telling you, what you just said right there, which we’ve said on this show for many years. But there are new people hearing this and they’re hearing it from a Navy Intelligence Officer, a best selling author, a Researcher, an Investigative Journalist. They’re hearing it from someone with a lot of clout. You just said that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset.


Amy: Yeah.


Dr. Truth: His code name was Tim Osman. Reiterate that Amy. It has more clout than me saying it.


Amy: Well and he was. And I’ll connect it for you one step further. When, the Senator out of Kansas.


Dr. Truth: Leahy.


Amy: Pat Roberts.


Dr. Truth: Oh, Roberts. Yeah.


Amy: I was in this office in ’02 I guess and he was showing me the gold-plated AK-47 on his wall. Well, guess who gave it to him? I mean, he was there on the ground back when Bin Laden was a hero. This is a time when Pat Roberts was the Chairman of the SSCI. And so, at that time, there were several people in those Congressional offices who had those items like that because they had been overseas to laud Bin Laden for his efforts to kick the Russians out of Afghanistan with brutality that people will still never comprehend. He turns when we stop doing the funding. And we realize he’s just a little over the edge and we’re not going to put him in power and he realizes that. And that’s when all of it went south. But he was a hero for years.


Dr. Truth: Working for the CIA with the Mujahideen.






Amy: And the full knowledge of people who were in the intelligence community and full view of the Congressional people who would be vetting all that information and a closed door session. You’ve got people in the House and the Senate both who’ve been around forever, since they’ve all been around, seems forever and there’s no term limit. We’ve got people who’ve been around for 38 years or more in office who know exactly what was going on and were privy to being over there and seeing all this and had visited over there. So that’s how they got these items in their personal collections in their Congressional offices.


AA: So the photos of Zbigniew Brzezinksi selling arms to Tim Osman are real.


Dr. Truth: And Donald Rumsfeld.


Amy: Yeah. Of course.


Dr. Truth: It’s the two of them.


Amy: Yeah. Of course. And why do you think the pursuit of him never occurs to anybody to think that this is going to be, the turn events is going to be what it is. When he tries to bomb the Trade Centers the first time, in ’93, doesn’t get away with it obviously, it’s a precursor. They never give up once they start trying. And he was an Engineer. So they’re not going to give up. They’re going to come back at it again and again and again. They never forget the original target. And that’s the thing that you have to remember about terrorists. They do this. And they come back at it again and again until they get it right. That’s the persistence, the patience that they exhibit.


Dr. Truth: Amy. I have to tell you. Ben, did you want to jump in? No? Okay. When you’re explaining this to everyone, see right there, it’s a pattern. Or at least I see it as a pattern. Because when we’re talking . . .


Amy: Pattern of behavior. We always follow the patterns and the patterns will extend themselves when they need to. But they usually follow a very particular pattern.


Dr. Truth: It’s a pattern that, who could be doing the pattern? For example, Bin Laden’s a CIA asset with the Mujahideen. We’re arming them against the Soviets, at the time, in Afghanistan against the Taliban.


Amy: Right.


Dr. Truth: But when they’re done, just like when the CIA was done with Saddam Hussein. Just like when they were done with Mohammad Mosaddeq.


Amy: Right. Right.


Dr. Truth: Just like when they were done with Gaddafi. When they’re done with their assets. Listen, Saddam Hussein was trained by the CIA. He was a CIA asset. This is all out there for everyone. When they’re done with their assets, then they use them as patsies.


Amy: Right. It’s a blame game.


Dr. Truth: Or they’re just expendable. So therefore with 9/11, with the inside job at 9/11, what do they do? They blame it on some dude who’s dying in Dubai on dialysis. It’s amazing. Go ahead.


AA: Which leads me to the question. Part of the official story when the President came out and he said that, “We’ve identified, DNA confirms that this is Osama Bin Laden”. First I’m thinking is, “Do you have DNA machines out there in Afghanistan just to randomly, arbitrarily verify people?”.


Amy: Yeah. Yeah. Can’t do it. Yeah.


AA: So from the time that they supposedly killed him to the time that they dumped him and confirmed it was 18 hours, and doesn’t it take 48 hours to run a DNA test?


Amy: It would take longer. Yeah. The photograph, well, given how it was described he was shot up, it would be very difficult. I think the Seals involved know what they got and what they didn’t get there. And that was the rub when it came to those who actually saw the body, which would have been a good number them and they haul it back or whatever and it turns out to be, they can confirm it’s a bad guy, it’s just not the bad guy they’re after.


AA: Right. Do you think it was  Omar Sheikh?


Amy: Perhaps.


AA: Because I haven’t heard anything about him after that.


Amy: Right. Perhaps. It was probably one of their high valued targets. Who knows at this point. It was almost a decade or more at the time when this happens from he actually dies. So, yeah. It could be, could be.


Dr. Truth: Hey Amy. Let’s go ahead and let this first cat out the bag real quick. We’re coming up on almost inside of 2 minutes before this first break. Oh, should I say some guy with the last name of O’Neill or it could it be somebody else?


Amy: Rob O’Neill? Yeah.


Dr. Truth: Come on. Who outed? Who snitched on Seal Team 6?


Amy: The problem I have with him, and you’ve got to give this some thought. And we’ve talked about this. And I think that, I always notice how uncomfortable he is when he gets asked direct questions about certain things to do with that raid. And he’s carrying water and the book he wrote, obviously, well, clearly that Matt Bissonnette’s book was not something that they liked because it didn’t carry their narrative, the administration’s narrative. So they have Rob O’Neill roll out a book and he says, “I’m the shooter”. Well, he’s persona non grata with the Navy Seal. You don’t talk about him to them. He has no standing with them anymore after that whole thing. Because I think that even if you, you couldn’t get rid of enough people to not know . . .


Dr. Truth: Do you think he outed the Seal Team 6 that were going to come out and speak about the fact that they didn’t kill Bin Laden?


Amy: My concern is that, certainly with the way that he has been rolled out, polished up and rolled out. And he comes out and it does bother me that he’s on Fox all the time and he talks about this and that and he talks about character. Character would mean that you don’t talk about that kind of thing. And character would mean that if you thought you had a life in the Seals, you would not have left it already because he’s fairly a young guy still. That kind of thing. There’s a lot to be said about him and I do feel like he is highly likely in that category of someone who would have ratted them out.


Dr. Truth: Amy Waters Yarsinke is our guest folks. A former Navy Intelligence Officer, great best selling author. Great books folks. You need to get it. It’s called An American in the Basement. She has other books. And you’re going to hear more about that as well. Investigative Journalist. One of our favorite guests. Dr. Drake is missing out I tell you. Folks, if you’re watching this in the future on YouTube, well guess what, you want to watch the rest of it, well, you’re missing out unless you go to Become an Earth Plus member and you can watch all of this. Amy is going to divulge more information on the other side of this break. Deep inside of Blacksheep Studio. It’s a Saturday night. This is Earth.